

If you think you do not use Mathematics every day, think twice. Here’s a challenge, when you sleep tonight take a vow that you would not use mathematics at all tomorrow and then the following morning, I’ll catch you looking at the time the moment you open your eyes…. Aha!!! Surprised??

Time is one of the most important concepts of math that is invariably used by everyone, irrespective of what they do. Ever given a thought how an ice cream street vendor comes and stands outside the school, the moment the dispersal bell rings, as he knows the time when he can make business. Whether you must catch the school bus or board a flight/train when you go out for vacations or schedule a business meeting with a client or fix a time to meet a friend, this all requires mathematical knowledge of time. In a recent book by a former President’s daughter, she has quoted one incident where a senior politician was to meet the former President and the time given to his office was 7PM instead the politician arrived to meet him at 7AM. This reflected bad on the politician and his office handling his appointments, as they couldn’t differentiate between AM & PM.

Knowledge of time in mathematics helps you
• Understand difference between AM & PM
• Understand Other time formats, like the hours format, often used in Defence Services
• In conversion of units from hours to minutes or seconds helps to understand it better. If I say, I’ll meet my friend in 0.75 hours, or I’ll say 45 minutes, which makes more sense.
• In understanding different time zones across the globe.
• Read analog or digital clocks

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