Asta Lakshmi

Ashta Lakshmi

Picture Courtesy by Google


Adi Lakshmi is the primordial form of Goddess Lakshmi. She is the root cause of all existence and without her existence whole creation is inconceivable.

Adi Lakshmi came into existence during the great churning of the sea. She is believed to be Moksha Pradayani, the one who bestows liberation. Adi Lakshmi is nothing but Mahalakshmi herself and even worshipped by Gods.

Adi Lakshmi is described as extremely beautiful. She sits on a pink lotus flower and adorns with red clothes and gold jewellery. She is portrayed with four hands. Two of her hands are shown in Abhaya Mudra and Varada Mudra while in the remaining two hands She holds a lotus and white flag.


Kanishka V Kulageri

Dhaanya Lakshmi (Goddess of Food Grains) 

One of the eight forms of Mother Goddess Lakshmi, Dhaanya Lakshmi is the form assumed to satisfy the hunger/necessities of human beings.

It is believed that, in Mahabharata, when Pandavas found it hard to find food while in exile in the forest, Goddess Dhaanya Lakshmi blessed them with akshaypatra. It was a wooden bowl which helped the Pandavas have a never draining/ending supply of food.

Source : Google

Being the Goddess of Grains and provider of agricultural wealth, farmers pray to her to reap bountiful harvest. The Goddess is pleased when we offer food to others, selflessly. She blesses us with abundance, if we do so. People pray to Her for keeping their granary full and provide nourishment to lead a healthy life.

Mother Goddess has eight arms. She carries lotuses in two hands, paddy crop in a hand, sugarcane and mace (gadaa) in one hand each, banana in one. The other two hands depict varada mudra and abhaya mudra.



Sloka to Chant for Mother Goddess – Om Aim Hreem Shreem Mahalaksmyai Namo


Student of Gurukulum/Divya Doraiswami

Gautham.S. (9 years)

Goddess Santhana Lakshmi


Picture Courtesy – Google

About The deity:

Santhana Lakshmi is one of the several forms of the Divine Mother, Lakshmi. In this Avatar, the Goddess symbolizes fertility and blesses childless couples with progeny. Many look upon her to fulfill their desire of a child and thus attain parenthood. She is also said to listen to the supplications of small children who wish for a sibling.

Uniquetraits of Santhana Lakshmi:

Goddess Santhana Lakshmi is portrayed very much different from other Avatars of Lakshmi. She is depicted with eight arms and one arm is shown holding a baby, who by himself holds a lotus in his hands. Two of her arms are portrayed with a shield and a sword, with two more holding a water pitcher decorated with mango leaves and topped with coconut. One hand is depicted in the Abhaya Mudra which signifies the dispelling of darkness and conferring the boon of a child. She is seated on a lotus attired in red or yellow garments, wearing a garland of flowers and draped in gold jewellery.

Incarnations of Santhana Lakshmi:

Lakshmi is revered as the Mother of all animate and inanimate objects and it is believed that the Universe itself was born from her womb. Thus, she symbolizes fertility in all possible ways and assumed the form of Santhana Lakshmi to ensure the propagation of all living beings.

Unique offerings to Santhana Lakshmi:

The Goddess is easily appeased and offerings of flowers are said to please her immensely. She is also attracted to a well illuminated and clean environment. Thus, lighting lamps and maintaining a pure serene ambience is sure to ensure her presence within the premises.

Benefits of worshipping Santhana Lakshmi:

Couples pray to Goddess Santhana Lakshmi not only to bestow them with a child, but also to keep the child healthy and free of disease. The Goddess also contributes to the all-round wellbeing of the child and helps mold their character. By chanting the Santhana Lakshmi Stotram with a clean heart, one can easily appease the Goddess and gain her favor.

 Thank You!

 Sairakshan Srinivasan

Vijaya means victory. This form of goddess is  provider of victory, not only in battles but also in conquering hurdles in our daily life  to beget success. She is also known as ‘Jaya’ Lakshmi, she is shown as having eight arms sitting on a lotus wearing a red sari, and carrying a a discus, a conch, a sword, a shield, a noose, and a lotus, other two hands being in abhaya and varada mudra.

Vijaya Lakshmi Prayer Song

Jaya, Kamalaasani, SadhguthiDhaayini

Jnaanavikaasini, Gaanamaye, Anudhina


Vaasitha, Vadhyanuthe,



Jaya Jaya He, MadhusoodhanaKaamini.

Vijayalakshmi, Paalayamaam ||


Veera Lakshmi (“Valorous Lakshmi”) or Dhairya Lakshmi (“Courage Lakshmi”) is the goddess who bestows valour during battles and courage plus strength for overcoming difficulties in life. Veera Lakshmi signifies the perseverance and fearlessness required to lead a peaceful and successful life. In Hindu mythology, Goddess Lakshmi has great importance, she is the goddess of beauty, wealth and fertility. She has eight forms and is called Ashta Lakshmi. These manifestationssymbolize various aspects of human behaviour and fortune. Remembering them removes all obstacles from one’s path and guides a human being towards wellness. Each form is unique and endowed with different auspicious qualities which are crucial for the sustenance of living beings. The Astha Lakshmi forms are:


  1. Aadi (The Primeval Goddess) or Maha Lakshmi (The Great Goddess)
    2. Dhana or Aishwarya (The Goddess of Prosperity and Wealth)
    3. Dhaanya (Goddess of Food grains)
    4. Gaja (The Elephant Goddess)
    5. Santana (The Goddess of Progeny)
    6. Veera/ Dhairya (The Goddess of Valour and Courage)
    7. Vidya(The Goddess of Knowledge)
    8. Vijaya/ Jaya (The Goddess of Victory)

Veera Lakshmi is depicted with eight arms, dressed in red clothing and draped in gold ornaments and flowers. She is seated on a lotus and wields several weapons in her hands like a disc, bow, arrow and a trident or sword. She also holds a conch and several palm leaf scriptures. Two hands are portrayed in the Abhaya Mudra and Varadh Mudra posture which dispels fear, while signifying safety, reassurance and generosity. Her charming and peaceful expression evokes a feeling of love and compassion, which instils fortitude and determination in the hearts of her devotees.

The Goddess is easily appeased with offerings of flowers, especially those that signify strength and character like the Gladiolus flower. The Goddess is also attracted to a clean and well-lit environment. She is also easily pleased by those chanting the Dhairya Lakshmi Stotra and grants them their wishes.

Praying to Goddess Veera Lakshmi is said to destroy fear and get forgiveness from accumulated sins. She is also said to grant the wishes and boons of devotees who pray to her with sincerity. Meditating on her divine spirit clears the mind of confusion and chaos, while at the same time instilling wisdom and clarity of thought.


Myra Desai


Dhanalakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and the manifestation of the Mother Goddess, Lakshmi. There are eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi known as Ashtlakshmi. Dhana Lakshmi is one of the eight forms and is the supreme Goddess of wealth and money. She symbolizes prosperity and abundance with unlimited potential, while playing a vital role in eradicating poverty. She guides us on the path to generate more income and fulfilling our desires. Goddess Dhanalakshmi favors those who work hard and helps them achieve financial stability. The Goddess is the repository of all the wealth in the Universe and helps her devotees overcome financial obstacles.
Unique traits of Dhana Lakshmi: Goddess Dhanalakshmi is depicted with six arms, attired in a bright red sari and draped with jewelry. Her five hands are portrayed wielding a discus, a conch, a water pitcher, a bow and arrow and a lotus while her sixth arm is portrayed in the Abhaya Mudra with gold coins flowing from her palm in a continual stream. This form signifies her tendency to shower wealth on all those who venerate her and guide them on the path toward financial freedom.
The literal translation of ‘Dhana’ means wealth in the form of money, gold, land, property or other monetary instruments. However, it also implies inner strength, willpower, resolve, talent, determination, courage and perseverance. Thus, by praying to Goddess Dhanalakshmi we can literally conquer our emotions and realize an abundance of wealth and prosperity.

Unique offerings to Dhana Lakshmi: Maintaining cleanliness and lighting of lamps is said to propitiate Goddess Dhanalakshmi. Devotees also make offerings of various red flowers and pray to her with deep sincerity in a bid to achieve their goals in life. The Goddess is easily pleased and ever willing to help sincere people who overcome their selfish interests and work hard to realize their goals.
Benefits of worshipping Dhana Lakshmi: All human beings aspire to make money and lead an affluent life. Praying to Goddess Dhanalakshmi is said to have life-changing benefits and many witness their financial fortunes change for the better, while also curbing business losses. By praying to her, we can overcome difficulties and experience a life filled with peace and prosperity. Those aspiring to generate more income and accumulate wealth are never disappointed by the Goddesses, who goes to any lengths to help her devotees.
Flowers to offer to goddess Dhanalakshmi: Goddess Dhanalakshmi loves lotus flowers. Normally, a pink lotus can be used and its the most preferred. If a lotus flower cannot be offered , other fragrant flowers can be offered.
Dhanalakshmi shloka:
Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalalaye Praseed
Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahalakshmaye Namah॥


Trisha G


(PC: Tanjore painting)

About the deity: Gaja Lakshmi
Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu assumed several forms to satisfy the necessities of humanity. Each Avatar symbolizes wealth and her manifestation as Gaja Lakshmi is revered as the giver of Animal Wealth.
Gaja Lakshmi, meaning Lakshmi with elephants, is one of the most significant Ashtalakshmi aspects of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi.
In this aspect, the goddess is depicted seated on a lotus dressed in a red saree, flanked on both side by an elephant (gaja). She is shown as seated in Padmasana yogic posture and has four arms. In each of her upper pair of arms, she carries a lotus, and the lower hands are generally shown in Abhaya mudra and Varada mudra asana.
According to mythology, Gaja Lakshmi once helps Lord Indra to regain his lost wealth from the depth of the ocean. This form of Goddess is the bestower and protector of wealth, prosperity, grace and royalty.
Significance of the elephants
The elephants flanking her are shown as “lustrating” her, pouring water from their trunk over the goddess. The two elephants are also believed to have welcomed Goddess Lakshmi when she rose out of the milk of ocean – during Samudra Manthan – by performing the jal abhisheka.
This aspect like most other aspects of Lakshmi is representative of prosperity, good luck, and abundance; and the Gaja Lakshmi motifs are very common in Hindu and Buddhist iconography.One or two elephants depicted alongside a woman symbolized the birth of Gautam Buddha.
Mythology of Gaja Lakshmi
Gajendra, the elephant and Goddess Lakshmi were always engrossed in offering prayers to Lord Vishnu together. Because of his girth, the elephant was a little slow and could not perform the Ceremonies as fast as Lakshmi. Lord Vishnu then requested Lakshmi to join him so that Gajendra could offer prayers to both together. The Goddess then assumed the form of ‘Gaja Lakshmi’ and received the offerings of the elephant.
According to mythology, Gaja Lakshmi once helps Lord Indra to regain his lost wealth from the depth of the ocean. This form of Goddess is the bestower and protector of wealth, prosperity, grace, and royalty.
Sculptures of the Gaja Lakshmi in temples
• Temples in Odisha in the classic local Kalinga architecture style very often have a figure of Gaja Lakshmi in lalitasana as their lalatabimba or central protective image over the doorway to a temple or the sanctuary of one.
• One of the Tympana at the Temple of Banteay Srei, Siem Reap, Cambodia, has a beautifully sculptured image of The Goddess GajaLakshmi in Pink SandStone. Though over a thousand years old, this tympanum is almost as good a state as it must been when created.
• Gaja Lakshmi is worshiped in many places in Goa and Konkan as a fertility goddess, mostly under the names Gajantlakshmi, Gaja Lakshmi, Kelbai or Bhaukadevi, by various Konkani communities as their tutelary deity
• Gaja Lakshmi is the name of a deity depicted in the Arunachaleswara Temple in Thiruvannamalai which is one of the five halls where Śiva is said to have danced
• Gaja Lakshmi is also depicted at the Kamakshi Amman Temple in Kanchipuram, one of the most sacred places for the worship of the Goddess and is represented seated with legs folded in butterfly position.
Benefits of worshipping Gaja Lakshmi
Praying to Goddess Gaja Lakshmi with deep sincerity is said to dispel darkness and eradicate all afflictions. She grants the wishes of her devotees and helps them overcome adversities in their pursuit of a peaceful and prosperous life. Chanting the Gaja Lakshmi Stotram is believed to please the Goddess immensely and said to evoke an immediate response from her.

Gowri Dummi (5yrs)


Vidya Lakshmi

Vidya Lakshmi is one among the eight lakshmi. Vidhya Lakshmi is an incarnation of the Mother Goddess Lakshmi who took several forms to satisfy the necessities of living beings. She bestows wealth on humanity, though not in the tangible form of materialism. The Goddess provides wealth in the form of knowledge which helps in the intellectual development of the individual. The guiding force of the Goddess is essential to tap into the inner recesses of the human mind and realize the full potential of one’s talent and capability.Some people mistake Vidya Lakshmi as Sarasvati, who is the Goddess of knowledge and Vidya means knowledge and Lakshmi is the goddess of money. Both Vidya & Sarasvati are known as knowledge goddesses.

Vidya Lakshmi is the skill that is imparted in corporate training programmers to make employees more productive. Saraswati is the goddess that enables us to have a better understanding of our world and us. Vidya-Lakshmi helps generate wealth while Saraswati helps us become wise.

We do pooja of all Laksmis as Varamaha Lakshmi Vrata during Shravana masa of Indian Calendar every year.

Worshipping Goddess Vidhya Lakshmi helps us make appropriate use of the mind, which is essential to make a living and survive in this world. By praying to her we can achieve great things in life, including name, fame power and money. School and college students pray to the Goddess before appearing for their examinations in a bid to come out with flying colors. Her benevolence is essential for individuals to shine and win laurels in their respective fields.


Sai Adhvik.