What People Say
Mr Riitesh Panndya, Bangalore
Thank you
Mrs Archana Arvind, Bangalore
Mrs Gopika Gopi
The only genuine & fruitful Shloka school we know till now..The Founder Divya D ji is a magical hardworking woman who has devoted her life to keep alive the traditions of our country through her super Gurukulam school.
Mrs Rashi Khanna
Madhav had learnt many Slokas in short span of time effortlessly. Thanks a lot Gurukulam for helping Madhav learn Slokas. Special thanks to the teacher Divya mam for the fentastic teaching.
Mr Suresh Kandasamy
Venkataraman LN
Thanks you so much ma’am. We love you

Mrs Yashaswini Reddy
Gurukulam has a very positive impact on kids. Having a grip on reciting Vishnu sahasranamam and others Sholkas would improve good communication and problem solving skills.
Dr Murali Mohan Nandula
Mrs Preetha Gowda
Mrs Anusha Sekar
Last two months he have learned so much which has helped him grow spiritually and understand our culture better. Special thanks to Divya as a guru as she explain each and every shloka so well that it makes our kids not only learn but understand the meaning of it as well…
Mrs Sapna Shetty
You truly have accomplished the impossible Divya! You are giving these kids a sense of identity and have helped them to connect with their culture. My little girl has benefited so much from your classes. She has learnt to respect our heritage and also takes active part in the festivals these days. And another added advantage of your shloka classes is that her reading skills have jumped, she is able to read big and complicated words with ease. I know my daughter will still clutch onto her Barbies and prefer a frock to a pavadai but I know that she will always appreciate and take pride in her culture .
Mrs Dheeraja, Bangalore
Mrs Namitha, Bangalore
Divya has been an excellent teacher to my daughter. Very patient, meticulous and knows her way with children to get it done. My daughter loves the way Divya teaches and always looks forward to her class. Lot of hard work from Divya’s side makes it easier for my daughter to learn shlokas. Thank you Divya.
Mrs Renuka Desai, Mumbai
Mrs Niraimathi Sadanandan, Bangalore
Mrs Iswaryaa Nirmal, Mumbai
Mrs Vidhya Mohan, Bangalore

Mrs Sarika Agrawal, Canada
A perfect platform for our kids to learn shlokas and expertise, which improves thier way of life in many directions.. Divya, a very talented tutor doing a great job in helping our kids to like learning the shlokas and understand as well..A big thanks to the whole team 🙂
Mrs Kavya Shree, Bangalore
Dear Divyaa,
Thanks for creating an impact for Avanish teaching him our culture and tradition.Wish to continue this partnership for a long number of years.
Mrs Suvarna – USA