Yeah… 35th b’day was a totally fun one……Also happiness at its peak cause GURUKULAM completed 6 months…Yippieeeeeeeeeeeee! Appa-amma threw a small party at the OBEROI……a quiet lunch and made sure I was double-triple happppy! To add to my happiness…was the…
I’m sure there are a lot of people teaching shlokas…but a MOBILE SHLOKA SCHOOL – heard that before, no right…Thats GURUKULAM for you! Yeah its the first of its kind…..The reason this school is mobile is it makes reaching out to a…
Oh Come-on….I am a TRENDY maami…..Wondering if you get to see a SHLOKA Maami like me………..Lemme know……….I am seriously curious!!!!!!!!!
While I’m trying to make GURUKULAM reach out to as many people as possible…I see a mail this afternoon requesting me to take shloka classes for kids at a school specially for the Visually Impaired starting June….(June to July I’m…
I’m neither…..Trust me! Running a Shloka School does’nt make you conservative or traditional…or should I go a step further and say I don’t come from a traditional or conservative family either…True that! I started off my shloka school just with…
Very often I’m asked if I have a great response to advertisements of my classes…. I’ll be frank here: Its a big NO! If I post the advertisement in a store or a small shop or Social Networking site or…
Time for my one month vacation and wrapping up of classes…Yeah and I’m not too far away from my vacation….June 1st -July 1st I’m closed for classes and I start my vacation with family…Hurray! No new admissions…all pending classes will…
The only kid in my family is my little adorable NIECE and she loves me totally…she is crazy about me and I am mad about her…..We are a HIT Together….:) I have never worked with kids in the past …So…