Wrapped up all my classes for 2015….Every day of this year with my kids was a special one…..an amazing journey, a whole lot of interesting experiences….some fantastic learning for me from my little munchkins…loads of true love that kids showed…
Dealing with kids for a little more than 1 year makes me realise that every small detail/information a child feels like sharing with the parents/teachers should be heard and given top priority.. Here’s why: I am personally of the belief…
They are “SPECIAL” for a special reason – God’s own and my very pamperred specially challenged kids:) I would be at fault if I don’t mention the kind of exemplary progress they make after attending a few months of shloka sessions.Yeah I…
I’m often asked the question by my little kids or even parents “Ma’am how did you manage to learn so many many shlokas”…..I simply reply with a smile saying my personal life has coerced me to resort to shlokas or…
The last one year has been an amazing journey with kids..I cherish each and every minute I spent with my munchkins.Its indeed been a learning lesson in many ways for me trying to understand kids and know what they expect…
I am sure there are expert shloka teachers and there are some amazing places where shlokas are taught…..But I take pride in saying I’m a Shlokapreneur(An Entrepreneur in the area of shlokas) to have come up with a concept like…
The joy that I derive from teaching is inexplicable…. Firstly I would say I found my TRUE CALLING: When I say true calling I mean it took me 15 long years to realise that TEACHING is what will make me…