How much is your ‘online’ time?

In today’s world, being part of the online world is essential. But it is vast and has much to offer; a large part of it, though seemingly attractive and enticing, should be mostly restricted.

Here are the benefits of being part of the online world,

  1. Information: You can have essential information at your fingertips, which will be curated according to your search.
  2. Communication: Everyone worldwide has access in some form or another.
  3. Commerce: It is essential to be a part of the online shopping world, though it makes you scroll endlessly as the algorithms don’t want you to leave the platform.

The third point may seem essential, but you can avoid getting into it too early.


Here are the pitfalls of the online world, and you must keep the following points in mind.

  1. Social media can be a trap – you get to see the best side of everyone out there. It will influence you to think millions have a better life than you. This is as false as you can imagine. It is a curated image meant to showcase to the world.
  2. Gaming: It can be addictive if not controlled. Some are seemingly dangerous, too. The best alternative, and one you should instead choose, is a physical game. It teaches you camaraderie and teamwork and positively affects your physical and mental well-being.
  3. Unwanted sites: Several sites lure you, and some make you spend money. The deeper you travel, the tougher the return journey will be, and it can lead to unwanted consequences as well.

I am reading Jonathan Haidt's The Anxious Generation. If you are keen to know what the current generation is going through because of the ‘smartphone’  trap, please buy a copy and read it.

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