Today I am at that stage of my life where I strongly feel that only YOUR personal experiences can teach you many many lessons.Wonder why we learn it the hard way instead of learning it when loved ones around tell us what is right and what is wrong….
A few of my life lessons in the last few years:
1).Lifestyle change is a must
2).Take one day at a time
3).Water intake is just so important (I used to substitute it with coke/pepsi and the related but today it
is just 10-12 glasses of water)
4).SUGAR is POISON (I find it really hard to avoid the Gulaab Jamun/ Rasgulla or just any
sweet in the refrigerator…. but believe me I have stopped eating them)
5).GRATITUDE – I make sure it is a part of my daily life
6).EXERCISE – so so important to keep one physically/mentally going( I try and do a 45 minute walk
atleast 4 times a week – atleast I have set the ball rolling)
7).Keep Toxic People at bay
8).I have made GREEN TEA and TURMERIC LATTE a part of my daily life and drink less of
9). JUNK is a big no no these days….

I am glad I have made these changes and contine to make them but I made them only when my body/mind started working against me……but trust me its NEVER NEVER NEVER too late.