Thank You VIBHA for this video

I Am : The LEAP – ( Lead, Engage, Act, Pay it forward ) Edition -2
A Project launched by Vibha Women to give women the platform to speak and share.
There is a lot that our members are learning in our circles of conversations – online & offline, and we thought it might be great to open up the conversation on
– Work
– The Journey
– Take-aways

A Masters in Economics, A SHLOKAPRENEUR, a theist in every right…and an extremely confident young lady in my 30’s living in one of the most beautiful cities of India-Bangalore, love the temples I visit, absolutely long for the annadanams I part-take in every Thursday and my frequent visits to an old age home helping old parents who have been left to the mercy of the Lord to get free medical treatment and medicines is the best thing I’ve ever been a part of…..And yeah, My Shloka School -GURUKULAM does’nt remain a dream any longer.
I personally believe -“It takes a big heart to APPRECIATE someone and a SMALL MIND to Laugh at someone. You can choose to either have a big heart or a small mind.

Thanks Caroline for this beautiful video

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