The last one year has been an amazing journey with kids..I cherish each and every minute I spent with my munchkins.Its indeed been a learning lesson in many ways for me trying to understand kids and know what they expect most from their teacher…..
1).Saying a HELLO with a SMILE : The moment I greet my child…they immediately reply with a HELLO Maám and a broad smile….Its a joy for both of us.
2).NOTICE each and every child: Telling a child I like the dress you are wearing or giving compliments or even stars go a long long way in the confidence of the child.
3).Asking QUESTIONS means giving PERSONAL ATTENTION: A child sure likes it when you ask him /her what did you soon after you went home from shloka class, how did you spend your weekend, did you visit any park or zoo….and what about ice-creams, do you like them? Did you get to eat any in this cold weather…..
They smile so happily when you give personal attention to them….Just goes to show you care about each and every little kid…..
4).Telling your kids -“SHOOT QUESTIONS Now”: No matter how silly or funny a question is …allow them to ask because for them EVERYTHING IS BIG and IMPORTANT
and lastly
5).Keep FAITH: A teacher must have confidence and faith in his/her child ….If a child is not showing results like another child your job there is to help that child and work on such a child who needs help.Someday you’d realise that every child is smart in his/her own way….