This post is taken from my other blog but I thought I should post it here again just so that it benefits all my kuttys…
Maths sure scares kids….I used to be scared of maths and hated the subject…thats when my amma introduced me to the NAMAGIRI THAYAR….:)

This shloka below is addressed to Goddess Namagiri, the goddess in the Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple in Namakkal in Tamil Nadu. Sri Ramanujam believed that all his mathematical proficiency was because of this Thayar. So a lot of devotees including me used to chant this stotram…..
Sri Vidya Mantra Ratna Prakatitha Vibhavaa
Sri Subalaapoorna Kaama, sarveshaprathidhaa
Sakala suranoothaa Sarvasaamraajyathaathri
Lakshmi Sri Veda Garba Vidhurathu Mathisaa Vishwa Kalyaanabhooma
Vishwa Kshemaatham Yoga Vimala Gunavathi Vishnu Vakshathalastha
Chant and let me know the difference in the mathematical skills of your child! I’m sure many mothers are going to be really happy with their kutty’s improving in maths….Would be a great relief indeed.